Attendee Tracking

Attendee Tracking is an easy way to record meeting and event attendees, as well as showing the amount per employee for transparent group spending.

How to use Attendee Tracking

Every expense has an Attendees field and will list the expense creator’s name as the default attendee. The default set of attendees is a list of users from your workspaces and domain. You can add custom attendees by entering their names or email addresses into the Attendees field.

How to Add Additional Attendees to an Expense

  • Go to the attendees field
  • Search for the names of the attendees
    • The default list will be of internal attendees belonging to your workspace and domain
    • External attendees are not part of your workspace or domain, so you will need to enter their name or email
  • Select the attendees you would like to add
  • Save the expense
  • Once added, the list of attendees for each expense will be visible on the expense line
  • An amount per employee expense will also be displayed on the report for easy viewing

image of an expense with attendee tracking


Can I turn off attendee tracking?

Attendee tracking is a standard field on all expenses and cannot be turned off.

Can I remove attendees from the dropdown list?

It is not possible to remove attendees from the list once they have been added.

Can I remove myself as an attendee from an expense in my account?

Yes, but you will need to have at least one other attendee selected before you can remove yourself from the expense.

How can I see the cost breakdown by an attendee for an expense?

If you hover over the expense amount on your Expenses page you will be able to see this figure. This is also displayed on the report level in each expense line, under the total.

How is the cost breakdown calculated and can I adjust it?

The cost breakdown is an even split by however many attendees are listed on the report. It is not possible to edit this.

How do expense limits work and attendee tracking work?

Expense limits and workspace rules are applied individually per person. If an expense exceeds the limit for any attendee, a violation is triggered for that expense.

Will the expense be visible on the other attendees’ Expenses page?

No, the expense will only be shown in the expense creator’s account.

Is there a limit on how many attendees I can add to an expense?

There is no limit.

How can I remove attendees from an expense?

You can add or remove attendees from an expense as long as they are on a Draft report. Expenses on submitted reports cannot be edited, so you cannot remove attendees from these.

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